Thursday 8 September 2011

Welcome to Digital Media class!


I'm Karoline and I'm a first year Radio and Television student at Ryerson. I will be writing posts in my blog every week to further and apply my knowledge gained in my digital media classes in labs and lectures. Though my program is radio and television, one would think that I would only be taking classes specific to RADIO and TV. However, this is a required course since the media industry is also digital: and especially in this age, digital media is growing rapidly.

Before the lecture, I had some vague thoughts about the actual term: "digital media".  Initially I imagined a course that solely focuses on digital design. However, and I say this with a feeling of embarrassment, (considering I'm a media student) I forgot about the connection with the term "media"! As you can see, I didn't know what to expect from this class.

My views did change after class! And though through the weeks I'll learn so much more, for now I've come up with the following. I became more aware of how incredibly relevant digital media is in this age - and that it is growing incredibly rapidly. It is a culture and global society that we are all getting exposed to, especially in the city. The lecture made me more aware that we truly are a global village. Borders between countries and regions are fading during this age of communication. Information is now distributed and communicated to others through the use of various digital platforms. And I was right - design is also important. (I'm  especially excited for my first assignment which involves design) I have begun to view the term: digital media through a larger perspective - as there is also so many other ideas associated with the term such as transmedia, infographics, motion graphics, and so on. And this was only my first day!

Like I said, it's only been a day - but - attending the lecture and understanding the course syllabus proved to me how fortunate RTA students are to be enrolled in this class. The course content changes year to year in order to keep up with the quick growth in this industry. It is great that RTA students are learning material relevant to the world around them, so they could prepare for careers in their future. The course is up to date, based in the present, which is a crucial if one may wish to pursue a career which involves communicating the present.

And I want to learn more about Marshall McLuhan! I found it so interesting that he created so many theories years ago yet as time passes, he is becoming more and more relevant and is truly proving his points. To be honest, I was a bit confused about some of the theories we were introduced to in class today but I'm sure my questions will be clarified throughout the weeks.

Anyways, this is my first blog post EVER, and I'm probably sounding very boring right now... I'll try to get a hang of this!
PS: I am supposed to only write about 3-4 paragraphs but it's hard to keep it at that... I could turn this into 3-4 but they would be fat, boring looking and painful to the eye (at least in my opinion..) so I broke it up into smaller portions.

Thanks for reading & Gone for now!

(Week 1)

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