Thursday 22 September 2011


(Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity)

Hey! Today I will be analyzing images that embody certain CRAP principles of design.


One of my favourite movies! I recommend it.
This is the Shallow Hal movie dvd sleeve.  I think this is an awesome example of effective contrast. Contrast is found in the colours used - mainly blue and yellow (primary colours), the font size and width in the title. I'm glad they stayed consistent in the font because it's an uncommon typeface for a movie. The font works for the movie content though. A nice play with lines (horizontal/vertical/diagonal). There is contrast between textures (ex. brick wall vs the rest, smooth). The two featured characters even contrast with each other in shape and colour (clothing, hair). Overall, there is a nice emphasis of contrast elements in the overall design that makes it successful! There is also effective repetition of the typeface and colours used. The paragraph alignment of the words in the description section gives it a humorous feel since it is usual and informal and also draws attention to the humorous image it is working around.


I browsed through Abercrombie today at the eaton centre - the first time in years!
This is why I chose Abercrombie to represent "repetition". 
Design is effective when one aspect is repeated throughout the page(s). This can refer to typeface, shape, stroke thickness, colour - anything visual. Throughout the website, the title logo"Abercrombie and Fitch" is placed and hidden everywhere in their website and posters, the font size varying in shape. I know that it's the title and it should be everywhere, but the fact that the size varies and the amount that is shown also varies, shows that it is repeated effectively throughout and ultimately, keeps it interesting. I've got to say that the proximity of the website is great as well. Very easy to navigate. Also, obvious black/white colour repetition and font size bring contrast to the pages. One may argue it is boring but I think the black and white is a classic contrast and it gives the website and brand a classy, high-quality and elegant feel. The makers were probably aiming for this even though a lot of their clothing is casual.


This is also one of my favourite movies!
It is important to align items on the page appropriately to create visual cohesion. Find a common alignment! Also, typeface should stay consistent. Centre alignment should be avoided. This is because it's more difficult for the reader since new lines start at different areas each time. 
However, I believe that the centre alignment works for this movie poster. The sentences are simple and short. All the lines are around the same length, making it easy to read for the reader. A possible reason as to why this centre alignment was used was to reflect the robot boy's mind. He is like any other young boy... simple and he has the same feelings but is unfortunately trapped in the life of a robot which complicate the plot and evokes many conflicts in the movie. He is so much more than he is perceived to be and experiences strong feelings. Therefore, the simple arrangement may also show what he is perceived to be by others. Anyways, that is up for debate but bottom line, in terms of design, I think the alignment of type is effective and all other elements work together to create this successful poster. I believe the poster is very simple yet intriguing. Great contrast found in the poster, between the font sizes and colour (silver on top of black). I personally find silver on black a bit dull but I believe they chose silver to demonstrate the "metallic" feel of the futuristic setting of the movie.


Grouping related items together - Promixity. In other words, Organization! Doing this will create overall cohesion and organization between content and the overall design of the poster/image.    
I like this wedding menu. I think it's well balanced and the visual tone is effective. The different font sizes and grouping makes this an easy and pleasent menu to read. I really like the image around the top because I find wedding menus to be quite boring without a pop of colour like in this one. There is one thing I would change though - the typeface isn't consistent. It's not that bad but it kind of bugs me. I also believe that the font used for the food descriptions are too fancy and swirly - It's hard to understand, especially when the font is used a few lines at a time! The message gets lost.

The CRAP principles have taught me a lot. I was making some mistakes in the past that I will now know how to fix and I feel confident to go even further with my designs. I believe that the principles ultimately helps you achieve balance. This results in pleasing aesthetics, simple and smooth navigation. These elements should be taken into consideration as the success of designs are crucial in attracting the public. You want the public to remember you!

- Karoline 
(Week 3)

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